
We use your brand logo, assets and event them to create exciting & inviting animated custom welcome screen.

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Custom Call-To-Action Link.

Promoting a sale? Want more followers on social media sites? We can create a Call To Action Button that guests can click when they receive their digital capture.

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Data Collection.

Turn the photo booth into a valuable asset with data collection. We have the ability to collect the users email address and/or phone number and deliver that information in a well organized .csv file.

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Record testimonials from your employees or event guests and receive the videos in real time.

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Custom Surveys.

What do you want to learn from your event attendees? Let us create a valuable custom survey to gather information straight from the source.

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Terms of Use Agreement.

Plan on using the photo booth captures for your own marketing campaigns, or collecting user data such as email addresses and phone numbers? We can create a custom Terms of Use agreement that the user must accept before using the booth.

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Do you like what you see?

Here's your chance to collaborate with us on making your event a success.